Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Fix slow booting after changing drives in OS X

Select the startup disk to use in the OS X System Preferences.(Credit:Screenshot by Topher Kessler/CNET)
Resetting the PRAM to help fix slow boots may especially be needed after fixing errors found in Apple's Fusion Drive (either official or custom-configured drives).
In addition to ensuring the system has the drive set as the default boot drive, be sure to check the drive for any errors. To do so, open Disk Utility and first choose the boot drive device (listed above the boot volume name) and click the Verify Disk button in the First Aid tab. This routine will check the drive's partition table layout. Next, select the boot volume itself and rerun the same verification routine to check the drive's format structure. If either of these show any errors then click the Repair Disk button to fix them (you will have to boot to the OS X installation drive to repair the volume structure).
After checking the drive for errors, you can also use a maintenance program such as OnyX to clear boot caches and other temporary files from the system that may influence a slow startup. For a more in-depth maintenance routine to clear other potential errors that could affect how the system runs, try running a full general maintenance routine.

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