Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Making use of the Character Viewer in OS X

By default the character viewer will show you a number of common symbols and categories such as Emoji and Greek characters, but you can enable numerous other categories to get foreign script characters, musical notes, technical symbols, Braille, and other characters you might not know even exist on yourMac. To do this, at the top of the character viewer panel is a small gear menu which you can use to select "Customize List...," then check various categories to show.Find characters by name
While you can browse through various symbols for use with your document, you can also use the Character Viewer to find symbols by name. If you know the name of a character you would like to use (such as the Greek "theta" symbol), start typing its name in the search box at the top left, and the character viewer will begin showing the available versions of it from the fonts that are installed on your system.

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